Tuesday, 16 June 2015

"You're sooo sensitive."

It's been a minute since I've blogged, but I'm here now peoples. So sit back, grab some munchies and let's get real together. As you've noticed from the title of this blog, I'm addressing sensitivity. I've gotten sensitivity associated with me plenty of times. I'll have a dicussion with someone about a topic that I may have taken to heart and I'll get, "You are just sensitive." I'll be honest with you, it bothers me when I hear this because in this cold and often ruthless world, everyone usually wants to see themselves as the tough ass, the one that is capable of handling whatever comes their way and has the ability to take criticism or opinions with a grain of salt. However, not everyone is built that way. To tell you the truth, I don't even think anyone starts off being that way, but the world has the ability to change you. Nice and often naive souls can turn bold and fearless. I'm aiming to get to that point, but what I am not saying is to lose your sensitivity. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being sensitive because that means you have the ability to connect and relate with people on an emotional level and create a deep sense of understanding to whatever someone may going through. The only issue is when one is sensitive to the point where criticism allows you to believe you should give up on your dreams or that you are incapable of conducting yourself in an assertive matter. With time, you will toughen up because you will get tired of being taken advantage of and will begin to realize how the world really works. Nonetheless, keep smiling at people you see on the street, give compliments freely, and feel deeply for others because we need a world where there are more kind and genuine souls. Carry a heart of gold, but just remember to bring your brain with you.

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