Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Trying to Make my Path Clear: The Fogginess is Real

Now, before you cuss me out mentally for neglecting this blog, just hear me out. Writers have personal shit just like you, and basically, I'm in a space in my life right now where I am trying to figure out my life path and get my thoughts together, so going ghost on my part has its reasons. Nonetheless, because we love each other, I know I am already forgiven :) Anyway, questions hitting me lately have been, Who am I? What are my interests? What are my goals? What is my true purpose and what am I destined to do? I know, deep shit right? But the deeper the better, because it gives life meaning. How awful it would be if we just woke up day by day, went to school, went to work, went back home, just to do it all over again and not really have a sense of desire, or a hungriness for more?

That's where I'm at right now. In the midst of feeling confused as hell about how to be an adult, working, trying to hand in school assignments on time, and blocking out outside distractions that can bring negativity (this can be people and things), I am truly trying to carve out a life path for myself, and I know you are too, slowly but surely. I'm a Pisces by the way. Not sure if any of you are into astrology, but if you think it is evil, please don't preach to me, it's not that deep. I mention this only because my sign plays a role in how I think. We are dreamers and often lean more towards the arts, hence why I am a writer. For me, my mind is always dreaming. Either thinking about becoming an actress, public speaker, or best selling author...don't laugh, but my mind has always been in the clouds ever since I was little and that's ok. Lol. At least this means that although things aren't perfect now, the fact that my mind is focused on something greater, there are better things in store for me and you too. I know, it's hard sometimes to figure everything out, but we are in this together. Life is a game that has to be played whether we like it or not, but putting our minds to focus on things that give us joy can really make life feel meaningful. Things such as self-improvement, our dreams, and ambitions. It's a little foggy now, but I have faith that things will be clear pretty soon for us. Keep dreaming and keep hoping. Most of all, have faith. It's all working out, because we aren't here to just do just live and die. There is something much much bigger.