Thursday, 12 November 2015

Your Path Won't Look Like Anyone Else's : Delight in That

Hii, I'm back people's! Did ya miss me??? (Y'll better say yes and with a smile) LOL. Today's discussion is on the journey or in other words, your journey. Have you ever sat and thought to yourself, why haven't I gotten the job yet, the boyfriend/girlfriend perhaps, the career goals put together, the interesting experiences filled with travel and bliss? We all have and let's be honest, sometimes all this thinking can get to us and make us feel pretty crummy. Now I'm not into the comparison game, but let's be honest, sometimes it creeps up on us. We get distracted by what's around us and assume that whatever everyone else has going on means that we need to be experiencing that as well, which in fact my friends, is far from the truth. I know personally that I am my best self when I am focused on me, and I am in that process now. The point is, that you will get to a stage where you realize that you can't be like everyone else and your journey is strictly what works best for you and the flow of your life. Don't worry if Becky got a job, be happy for Becky and know that your time is coming and in your way. Joy will be yours. The best thing we can do for ourselves is focus on OUR journey, and trust me, I am still learning this daily. It is called OUR journey for a reason...What works for you is what works for you. If you really think about it, having a warped mentality of how are lives should be going is so damaging. Do you and just live your life. I know with social media its easy to get caught up, but your path is so unique and empowering in its own way. Less distractions means learning more about ourselves. Happiness lies in discovering our path and truly keeping that as our focus. Your jounrney, yo business, your way. #notetoself Hugs and kisses ya'll