Saturday, 23 May 2015

I'm on the hunt people. Not for bears, but for a damn JOB. Again. (But, I learned some things along the way)

Ahh, job hunting. All students can relate. School ends and for those who haven’t hopped on the job hunting bandwagon right away (ME), now is the time to do all of the lovely and amazing things that have to do with applying for a job. Please note that the sarcasm put into that last sentence was quite deep. There’s the online applications with the surveys and the profile creations. Now this isn’t always tedious, but sometimes it can be. Like damn, I am applying for a part-time job, not my career. However, I guess this is policy and with policy comes effort. So far, I haven’t had any luck applying online. I fixed up my resume thanks to a friend who advised me that it needed some work, so hopefully this makes a big difference.

Personally, I am not a fan of applying for jobs online. I just feel like because employers can’t see you and your awesomeness, you are just another resume to be scanned. I feel like chances are slim this way. However, I heard this is actually the best way to apply for jobs. We’ll see about that. In an effort to make myself known, I went on a hunt through Yorkdale and handed out my resume everywhere. Chile, when I tell you the desperateness was real. LOL I made it known that I was eager to work and when asked of my availability, I said all day every day. Just CALL ME. Lmao. My hunt was pretty successful. A few places said they were hiring, but of course, I can’t give up. Just because a store takes your resume and smiles at you, does not mean you got the job or that they will call. So my hopes are up, but I’m being smart here. On a side note, there are a few things I learned when anticipating work.
1.       Know the company through and through
Okay, I just wasn’t prepared in this aspect. I literally just printed out resumes and handed them out to random places hoping to get a job. LOL. However, when speaking with employers, they actually want to know that you took the time to study the company. One company asked me what the latest fashion trends right now are.  I smiled, and smiled some more, and admitted in the most charming way that my ass hadn’t had a clue. So, I now know that even if I sporadically decide to go on a job hunt, having information about a few companies that are hiring will help greatly and leave an impression on employers. Research is key
2.       Print LOTS OF RESUMES
I printed 20 resumes and thought I was good. I had them all tucked away in a duo-tang folder and I was like yes, imma get hired today! However, I ran out of resumes and found stores that were hiring! It’s a bummer because then some employers will only take your resume and if they do give you an application to fill out there, it still leaves the impression that you are not prepared. I believe 40 resumes would be most ideal, even more at that. Well, as long as you have a printer and the fees to pay if you go to a library!

3.       Smile, be charming, and even humorous
Applying for jobs in person is not that hard really, but first impressions are everything. It can be nerve racking for some people, but my advice is to plaster on a smile and be as charming as possible. I am more on the reserved side, but I hardly show it in public. Ain’t nobody got time for that. So, even if it seems scary, remember that what you give out you get back. The employer interviewing you has no clue what you are thinking or your true emotions. So if you give the impression of calmness and charm that is exactly what they will get.  Answer each question enthusiastically and if asked about your hobbies, don’t say the least extraordinary hobby (e.g. reading), but say something like watching thriller movies or singing.  Not that reading isn't awesome, but every employer is different and for some, the last thing they read was a How To manuel.

4.       Don’t underestimate your worth when it comes to a job
I did this often. If a store looked, well, boogie, I thought I should just stick to something more low-end. However, we can’t stay in the same job category forever and we can have whatever job we want as long as we are willing to work and play our roles well. We have to believe that we are not beneath any form of employment. This is a serious lesson for me. I have the skills and charm to do any job I want and so do you, so what is there to be concerned about?

Friday, 22 May 2015

Music Really Does Make You Happier

“Beyoncé: “Base…Hi hat…808…Jay Z: “Uh huh, ready?” Beyoncé: “Let’s go get em!” These are the beginning lyrics to Beyoncé’s upbeat and totally bumping tune, "Déjà vu", off of her B-Day album.  Like many artists, although Beyoncé has a particular IT factor, music is made to be catchy, the background music, usually so enticing that most people don’t really listen to the lyrics. However, what no one can deny is that the universal touch of music can really make one happy. I know for myself that music is a great way to get yourself into a great mood. I ride the TTC (no license yet, but bear with me!) and I always see people on the bus either staring out into space, trying not to stare into space for fear of making eye contact with someone, or listening to music. This is usually the case first thing in the morning, because Lord knows some people (ME) need a pick me up for mornings. 

That being said, this just proves how effective music really is. It allows us to really let go of our worries and focus solely on the music we are listening to. Mindfulness is key to focusing. Our minds are often spinning with thoughts and being mindful really puts everything into perspective. Not to mention it makes us want to be in the videos too! Do not even get me started! Whenever I listen to music, especially Beyoncé for instance, my ass all of a sudden wants to break out into Kunte Kente dance moves or get my bump and grind on. Think “Grown Woman” when she got her African on. (Don’t act like ya’ll haven’t done it. I know you do it in front of the bathroom mirror, LOL).  So, music is a great stress reliever and actually allows us to truly interpret expressions of life through art. Some great songs include, “Happy” by Pharrell, “Conga “by Gloria Estefan, and old school music, particularly the R&B kind. I don’t care what anyone says, old school music is bomb ok! So try to listen to a song you like every day and see what it does for you. You will feel better and you will become more mindful. Later ya’ll!

The Truth About Mental Health

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Mental illness. It’s really something that no one wants to talk about. It’s an uncomfortable topic, the type that makes most people want to change the subject either out of fear of bringing forth any past or current emotions, or because some have no clue what it feels like to be anxious or depressed for instance, so the subject may change to the beautiful weather outside and a trip to a shopping mall. What’s interesting and frustrating about it, is the fact that what’s inside your head can’t be seen by anyone else. There is no band aid that can be placed on the brain to heal one from destructive thoughts, doubts, and fears. No one can see that the woman who smiles every day at the local market fakes it most of the times for fear of being weak.
Let’s face it, we live in a society where fake it until you make it is the realest motto out there. No one really wants anyone to see them cry, so they smile instead, even if it hurts sometimes. For mental illnesses like depression, I realized that although recovery is 100% possible, total recovery takes effort. Lots and lots of effort. I experienced a very serious depression in 2013. It was awful.  I felt as if my mind and soul had shut down completely, and my flesh was all that was present. It is a very serious illness. Now, I still have my days, and I am definitely not afraid to admit that. I’m human and I am still fighting to stay revitalized and positive daily.  I'll be completly honest with you, it's still a struggle to get out of bed sometimes and my moods fluctuate, but I am doing the best I can and with God, all things are possible. For anyone of my readers who have ever felt down, don’t criticize yourself for feeling that way, but reward yourself for every bit of effort you are making to stay on a straight and narrow path. You woke up this morning and started your day, but you didn’t have to. You could have wallowed in bed and forgot all about doing the little things that need to be done. Ladies, you put your makeup on. That’s a step. Men, you sprayed some cologne on your neck even though you didn’t feel like it. Little steps, mean future progress and success and we deserve to be rewarded for our initiative. I am strong and you are strong. We are in this together.