Saturday, 20 June 2015

If you didn't make mistakes, you would eventually wonder why tf you are here.

It's a beautiful day outside on this lovely Saturday afternoon. I'm hunched over my computer screen and I can hear the birds chirp and cars that wizz by, loud ass music coming from a car every so often. I don't know why some people feel the need to blast their 2 Chainz so loud that the whole neighborhood can join in on their mini turn up session, but let me not lose my train of thought here. I'm sitting here and as I whip through some articles from Thought Catolog, I can't help but feel out of it. Distracted by thoughts of imperfection and flaws. I'm thinking to myself, do I really know enough about myself to see where I can improve? We often get into the habit of judging people on a daily basis, but what about us? How can we improve to be the best we can be? Well, sitting here now, the best advice I can give for evolving into one's best self, is to realize that we will not live on this planet without making several mistakes, often foolish ones. At the time of our mistakes, we may believe we are incapable of making any and will feel bad later on when we realize we have and might beat ourselves up over and over again. Don't. Let the process of life direct you in the best way it knows it can, and just allow yourself to unfold into the being you were called to be. Don't analyze why you were this way and feel bad for yourself, because the mistake you made yesterday is just the first of many. Yeah you will mess up from time to time, but you are still a freakin, super duper, awesome ass person with a great purpose in this life. So don't let your sensitive soul get the best of you, but stand up tall and just keep on going.


  1. This is so true. I like to surround myself with positive people and people whom knows they have a purpose in life.Thank you for saying what I always felt.May God continue to Bless you in all that you do!

  2. Aw thank you so much for that love. And no worries. I'll be doing a lot more posts so stay tuned!
