Sunday, 29 November 2015

Why Comparing Ourselves to Others is Stupid

There was a time in our lives when we never compared ourselves to anyone. When we crawled around the floor and picked up stale peanuts with our mouths and pooped all over our mother's good sheets. Yup, we were babies then. Naive, messy, cute little souls who couldn't give a hoot what the other baby across the playground was doing because momma warmed up a nice bottle that did us just right. I miss those days sometimes, even though I can't remember them, because back then, there was no competition, no looking over the shoulders to see what everyone else was doing. I think for a while I convinced myself that I don't compare myself to other people, but sometimes, it creeps up on me, and the feeling, is absolutely horrible. We compare and judge where we are in our lives in comparison to other people, and presume that the world must be coming to an end because everyone's life is somehow better than ours. For instance, I've been single my whole life and I'll admit, I went through the stage where I dwelled on it for a while. I'm not there anymore, but now and then when I hear or see things happening around me, I feel like I've been left out and those old, horrible, freakin, "I must be missing out thoughts" reemerge and ruin my whole freakin day. I might slip up because I am indeed human, but at least I'll have these reasons to fall back on the next time I see myself going back down there again. Here are 6 reasons why comparison should be marked as a sin in the Holy Bible.

1. It distracts us from who we are as a person

Every time we compare ourselves to someone else, we aren't being ourselves and that just screws up our whole aura. Do you ever notice that when you compare yourself to someone else, you feel lost? When you are focused on you, everything in your life seems to be going great, but the minute we slip up and dwell on other people, we feel like absolute and utter shit. It is a distraction from our purpose. Someone else's life is not meant to be ours and the minute we sway, we lose who WE are.

2. It's insulting

I saw a quote online that says when we compare ourselves to others we are "insulting" ourselves. The first time I saw that quote, I thought it was quite arrogant. Why would we be insulting ourselves? What is wrong with the other person that we feel the need to put ourselves on a pedestal? However, what I get from that quote now, is that comparison is truly an insult because we are telling ourselves that our lives have no meaning so why not compare it to someone else's?

3. It ruins the notion of being an individualist, and that freakin rocks

Think about it, and while you think, I'll think right with ya. If we compare ourselves, are we being who we were called to be? Every person has skills, dreams, assets, and life experiences that are their own, so why compare? Who tf cares what the next person is doing, because you rock and what you bring to the table, is truly unique. When it comes to bettering ourselves, there is nothing wrong with being selfish

4. It makes us feel like we need to be doing what everyone else is doing, but everyone's path is different (We can't eff up our paths)

Everyone was created differently, and thus, what works for you, may not work for someone else, and vice versa. For instance, if someone gets a job before you and you ask yourself, "why not me?" The very reason could be that the job for YOU, just hasn't arrived yet along with the timing to get the job. I know it is cliche this topic, because we have all been there at one point or the other and we are always told not to compare, but still in some way, end up doing it. However, over time, we will realize that comparison, can actually ruin OUR lives.

6. The more we focus on ourselves, the happier we are for people.

The thing with jealousy is that it is the worst emotion in the whole world and can literally make us crazy and into someone we thought we could never be. But, it is an emotion and just comes from lack of self-awareness. When we tap into being amazing people, we expect others to also be amazing and thus, envy and anxiety dissipate into the air.
Finally, it's annoying, exhausting, and it makes us feel crappy. Clearly we were built individually for a reason and that's why we need to focus on ourselves.

Writing this blog post, I am trying not to be fake, because I am still in the process of getting it together, but I'm a writer and i will write this for my readers, and also for myself. This is a topic that will never go out of style, because honestly, we have all been there.

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